Selected Lectures
In recent years I have given lectures at the invitation of the following institutions:
Council of Europe, Human Rights and Biomedicine (CDBBIO)
International conference on "Autonomy and mental healthcare", Riga Latvia
Council of Europe, Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2023
International Conference on Prevention of Torture and Ill-treatment in the Police Sector, Almaty Kazakhstan
Ludwig Bolzmann Institute for Fundamental Human Rights
"Justice for All" project Strengthening the rights of persons with intellectual and/or psychosocial disabilities deprived of their liberty under criminal law
Austrian Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Further training courses on children's rights and ethics, amendment to the Hospitalisation Act, medical treatment
Medical University of Vienna, interdisciplinary lecture series: "One in five"
"Legalised violence"
Office for Youth and Family Department for child welfare, municipality of Vienna
Further training on the topic of the Home Residence Act
Violence Protection Centre Tulln - Symposium on violence against elderly persons
"Legal protection mechanisms"
Representation Network, Department of Patient Advocacy
"Fundamental rights monitoring"
EX-In, pro mente
"Restrict to protect"
Regular lectures on the Home Residence Act and Accommodation Act
Selected Publications
In addition to ongoing assessments and reports for the Austrian Ombudsman Board and the Council of Europe, I also publish on access to human rights for marginalised groups
in Bakic/Coulin-Kuglitsch/Kronberger: Praxis sozialer Arbeit in Österreich.
An attempt to organise with exemplary outlooks vol.2 (2022) 164-179). -
Application of the HeimAufG to care facilities for people with substance use disorders
iFamZ 2019, 178-192. -
Restrictions on freedom and violence against residents. Perceptions of residents' representatives: open problem areas
in Brinek/Rösslhumer, Eine von fünf. Protection of women against violence in all life situations (2017) 86-95. -
Human Rights and Justice
in Bakic/Diebäcker/Hammer: Aktuelle Leitbegriffe der Sozialen Arbeit.
A critical handbook vol.3 (2016) 120-133.